Engr. Kamal Ram, Contact : +965 94074747 (Kuwait), E-mail : kamal.mech.engg@gmail.com, +91-9041049598 (India), WhatsApp : +965 94074747 & +91 9041049598
Computer - Aided - Design (CAD)
Computer-aided design is the use of computers to aid in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. It can be used to produce either two-dimensional or three-dimensional diagrams, which can then when rotated to be viewed from any angle, even from the inside looking out.
CAD is used as follows:
1. To produce detailed engineering designs through 3-D and 2-D drawings of the physical components of manufactured products.
2. To create conceptual design, product layout, strength and dynamic analysis of assembly and the manufacturing processes.


Smart Conveyor Design Solution (Aerowerks Inc, Canada) specializes in the design and manufacturing of customized material handling system for dish room & food service industry. To meet growing business needs, Aerowerks Inc. opened an office in Chandigarh, India.
Worked as CAD Engineer to prepare presentation drawings in AutoCAD and create fabrication / production drawings in SolidEdge.
Works in Computer - Aided - Design (CAD)
AutoCAD Projects (Making presentation drawings)